Agad Tantra (Toxicology) Department

The Agad Tantra Department is dedicated to the study and treatment of poisoning, toxicology, and the management of various types of intoxications (including food, venom, and drug poisoning). The department plays a critical role in understanding the Ayurvedic approach to managing poisons and toxins that affect the body, focusing on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.


Agad Tantra is one of the specialized branches of Ayurveda that deals with the study of Agad (poison), Visha (toxins), and their effects on the human body. It includes the management of poisonings caused by natural sources like venomous animals, plants, and toxins, as well as those due to human-made substances. The department not only focuses on toxicology but also deals with anti-venom therapy, detoxification, and Rasayana (rejuvenation therapies) to restore health.

Key areas of focus:

  • Poisoning from natural sources (e.g., snake bites, insect stings, plant toxins).
  • Poisoning due to improper use of drugs, food, or environmental factors.
  • Toxicity management using Ayurvedic herbs, metals, and minerals.
  • Preventive and curative approaches in toxicology based on Ayurveda.


  1. To provide knowledge about the types of poisons, their effects on the body, and the symptoms of poisoning according to Ayurvedic principles.
  2. To teach students how to identify and treat poisoning cases using Ayurvedic remedies, including herbal antidotes, therapies, and detoxification procedures.
  3. To ensure that students understand the preventive measures for poisoning and how Ayurvedic principles can be applied to mitigate the effects of toxins.
  4. To conduct research on the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments in modern toxicological conditions and integrate traditional and contemporary methods of treatment.

Key Areas of Study:

  1. Types of Poisons and Toxins (Visha):
    • Sarpavisha (Snake Venom): Study of poisonous substances from venomous animals like snakes and scorpions, including their symptoms and Ayurvedic antidotes.
    • Jangamavisha (Animal Poisoning): Poisons from insects, amphibians, and other animals.
    • Udbhijavisha (Plant-based Poisons): Poisonous plants and herbs, and how they affect the body.
    • Rasavisha (Metal and Mineral Toxicity): Toxicity from metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic.
  2. Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning (Vishama Roga):
    • Recognition of symptoms related to different types of poisoning based on Dosha imbalances (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and the resulting pathological changes in the body.
  3. Detoxification Therapies (Visha Chikitsa):
    • Ayurvedic treatment protocols to neutralize toxins, including the use of specific antidotes (e.g., Vishaghna drugs) and therapies like Abhyanga (oil massage), Swedana (steam therapy), and Vamana (emesis) to eliminate toxins from the body.
  4. Antidotal Medicines and Herbal Remedies:
    • Preparation and administration of Ayurvedic antidotes such as Ajeera, Chandana, Nagkesar, Daruharidra, and Guduchi, among others.
  5. Prevention and Management of Poisoning:
    • Training on how to prevent poisoning through dietary and lifestyle changes.
    • Managing acute and chronic cases of poisoning in clinical settings.
  6. Modern Integration of Ayurvedic Toxicology:
    • Collaboration with modern toxicology and pharmacology for research in the treatment of chemical poisoning.
    • Application of Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies (such as Virechana, Basti) to treat systemic toxicity.


To become a leading department in Ayurvedic toxicology, providing advanced education and research on poisoning, detoxification, and holistic management of toxins in both traditional and modern healthcare contexts.


  1. To educate students on the comprehensive understanding of various types of poisons and toxins and their Ayurvedic treatment protocols.
  2. To provide the necessary skills to diagnose and manage poisoning cases in an Ayurvedic clinical setting.
  3. To promote research on the efficacy of Ayurvedic detoxification methods and their potential integration into modern toxicological practices.

Department Highlights:

  1. Research and Case Studies:
    • Encouragement of research on the effectiveness of Ayurvedic antidotes in treating poisoning, including studies on traditional herbs and their pharmacological actions.
    • Regular case studies and clinical exposure to real-time poisoning incidents.
  2. Clinical Training:
    • Hands-on training in Agad Tantra through clinical observation and practical application in treating poisoning cases.
  3. Herbal and Toxicological Lab:
    • Laboratories for testing and studying plant-based, mineral, and animal-based toxins.
    • Research on the preparation of Ayurvedic antidotes.
  4. Field Studies:
    • Field trips to study the effects of different toxins and their impact on human health, along with workshops on creating effective detoxification protocols.

Future Prospects:

Graduates of the Agad Tantra Department can pursue:

  1. Careers as Toxicology specialists in Ayurvedic hospitals or clinics.
  2. Research roles in the development of Ayurvedic antidotes and detoxification medicines.
  3. Work in Ayurvedic pharmaceutical companies focused on developing detoxifying medicines.
  4. Academic roles, teaching and conducting research in Ayurvedic toxicology.

The Agad Tantra Department is crucial for understanding the impact of toxins on the body and equips students with the knowledge to use Ayurvedic therapies to prevent and treat poisoning, while also integrating modern toxicological knowledge. It serves as a vital bridge between traditional Ayurvedic healing practices and contemporary medical sciences.