Prof. Vaidya Kartar Singh Dhiman assumed the charge of Director General for Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, under Ministry of AYUSH, with effect from 9th March, 2015. He is a highly accomplished Academician, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Researcher and Administrator with a distinguished career spanning over two and half decades in reputed Ayurvedic Organizations like IPGT&RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar and also holds the additional charge of the post of Director General, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine from 01.02.2017 to 31.7.2017. Prof. Vaidya K. S. Dhiman holds a Ph.D. in Ayurveda (Shalakya) from SSU Varanasi and MD, Ayurveda (Shalakya) from Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India. His specialized field of Research is Ayurvedic Ophthalmology. He is having proven record of scientific contribution with sufficient published work in his credit. He is also the authors of five books and had authored many research bulletins, technical reports, course materials and monographs. Under his guidance, 9 students have received Ph.D degree and more than 25 students received degree of MS (Ay.) Shalakya. He is also life member of different professional scientific societies like TAS – India, RAP and NIMA. Prof. Vaidya K. S. Dhiman is Chief Editor/Editor/Editorial Board member of different peer reviewed national and international scientific journals. He had opportunity to chair sessions as Chairman/Co-Chairman of many National and International Conferences/Workshops/Seminars and presented more than 83 research papers in various National and International Conferences/Seminars. He is a member in various prestigious professional bodies in Universities, associations and expert Committees. Prof. Vaidya K. S. Dhiman visited Milan, Italy to deliver a keynote address in the First International Congress of Ayurvedic Medicine and also represented Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India in Sweden and Latvia for participating in the Ayurveda event organized by the Mission in Stockholm, Sweden and Ayurveda Conference in Latvia and visited Germany as a member of the delegation led by Hon’ble MoS(IC), Ministry of AYUSH for participating in the 2nd European World Ayurveda Congress at Koblenz Germany. Since his joining this Council as Director General, he putting his best in furtherance of the objectives of the Council, which is an apex body in India for formulation, co-ordination, development and promotion of research in Ayurveda on scientific lines. In the last three decades this premier research organization has immensely contributed in areas of medicinal plants research, drug development, literary research and clinical research in Ayurveda especially new drug development for emerging health challenges. The outcomes are now in commercial domain for public health care delivery.