Roga Nidana Department (Pathology and Diagnosis)

The Roga Nidana Department is an essential part of Ayurvedic education that focuses on the study of the etiology (Nidana), diagnosis (Roga), and pathophysiology (Vyadhi) of diseases. The department emphasizes the understanding of the root causes of illness according to Ayurvedic principles, helping students learn to diagnose diseases through a holistic approach that includes the study of doshas, dhatus, malas, and the various imbalances that lead to disease.


Roga Nidana deals with the analysis of the causes, symptoms, and diagnostic techniques used in Ayurveda for disease detection. This includes both internal (Sahaja) and external (Aharaja, Viharaja) causes of diseases, focusing on how the imbalance in the Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) leads to various health conditions. The department also covers the concept of Vyadhi (disease) and Swasthya (health) in Ayurvedic medicine.

The key focus of Roga Nidana is:

  • Identifying the causes and risk factors for diseases.
  • Understanding disease manifestation and progression.
  • Applying Ayurvedic diagnostic methods, such as Nadi Pariksha (pulse diagnosis), Jihva Pariksha (tongue examination), and Mala Pariksha (examination of excreta).


  1. To provide in-depth knowledge of the principles of disease causation in Ayurveda, including external and internal factors.
  2. To teach diagnostic techniques and clinical examination methods used in Ayurveda for disease identification.
  3. To enable students to understand how to prevent diseases through lifestyle and dietary modifications, in line with Ayurvedic principles.
  4. To correlate the Ayurvedic understanding of diseases with modern pathology and diagnostic systems.

Key Areas of Study:

  1. Nidana (Etiology of Diseases):
    • Study of the causes of diseases, categorized into Nitya (permanent) and Atemporary factors.
    • Understanding how Vitiated Doshas, Imbalanced Agni (digestive fire), and Damaged Dhatus lead to disease formation.
  2. Roga (Disease):
    • Classification of diseases into Sarvaja (general), Vataja (Vata-related), Pittaja (Pitta-related), Kaphaja (Kapha-related), and Tridoshaja (caused by all three doshas) diseases.
    • Chronic, acute, and genetic diseases and their treatment approaches.
  3. Vyadhi (Pathophysiology):
    • In-depth study of the disease process, including the progression and outcome of diseases.
    • How diseases manifest at the tissue level and impact overall body functions.
  4. Diagnostic Methods (Pariksha):
    • Detailed training on diagnostic tools such as Nadi Pariksha (pulse diagnosis), Jihva Pariksha (tongue examination), Shabda (sound) and Sparsha (touch) diagnosis, and Prakriti analysis (body constitution).
    • Integrating these methods with modern diagnostic practices for a comprehensive understanding of disease.
  5. Ayurvedic Interpretation of Modern Pathology:
    • Correlating Ayurvedic concepts with modern diagnostic and pathological terms, bridging the gap between ancient and contemporary medical sciences.
  6. Case Studies and Clinical Exposure:
    • Practical training by observing real-time cases of diseases and applying Ayurvedic diagnostic principles.
    • Understanding the impact of lifestyle, environment, and diet on the health of patients.


To enhance the diagnostic skills of students through a thorough understanding of the causes, progression, and diagnosis of diseases from both Ayurvedic and modern perspectives, creating proficient Ayurvedic physicians.


  1. To integrate traditional Ayurvedic diagnostic methods with modern science for better disease detection.
  2. To foster a scientific understanding of disease causation, clinical presentation, and management in Ayurveda.
  3. To provide practical training in clinical settings for real-world application.

Department Highlights:

  1. Diagnostic Lab:
    • Laboratories equipped for diagnostic tests such as urine, stool, and blood analysis for clinical practice.
    • Training on interpreting test results from an Ayurvedic perspective.
  2. Clinical Training:
    • Regular exposure to case studies and real patient diagnosis, allowing students to practice and refine their diagnostic skills.
    • Workshops on Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha), tongue examination, and mala pariksha.
  3. Research Initiatives:
    • Encouraging research on the integration of Ayurvedic diagnostic methods with modern clinical tests.
    • Studies on how Ayurvedic pathology can be correlated with current medical technologies.

Future Prospects:

Graduates from the Roga Nidana Department can:

  1. Pursue careers in Ayurvedic hospitals and clinics, diagnosing and treating patients using a holistic approach.
  2. Engage in research on Ayurvedic diagnostics, potentially leading to integration with modern medical practices.
  3. Work in Ayurvedic pharmaceutical companies, developing diagnostic tools or protocols.
  4. Take up teaching and academic roles in Ayurvedic education.

The Roga Nidana Department equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose and treat diseases using the time-tested principles of Ayurveda, while also integrating modern medical understanding for a comprehensive approach to health care.