
Articles Published by Faculty Members of Gangaputra Ayurvedic Medical College, Kandela, Jind, Haryana

Sr. NO.Year of PublicationName of FacultyName of JournalISSN No.Topic of Article
1.2017Dr. ManjuInternational Ayurvedic Medical Journal2320-5091To study the effect of Bhujangaasana & Neutral Water spinal bath in Management of Katigraha w.s.r. to Lumbar Spondylitis
2.2017Dr. Pooja AryaJournal of Ayurveda2582-7963Surgical Wound Infection and Dehiscence in an Undiagnosed Diabetic Patient
3.2017Dr. Pooja Arya Journal of Ayurveda2582-7693Role of Agni Karma in the Management of Tennis Elbow
4.2017Dr. Pooja Arya Journal of Ayurveda2582-7693Role of Agni Karma in the Management of Planter Fasciitis
5.2018Dr. Pooja Arya Journal of Ayurveda2582-7693A clinical study to Evaluate  Effect of Agni Karma and  Shuddha Gugglu in the Management of Snayu Vikara w.s.r. Tennis Elbow
6.2018Dr. Pooja Arya World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2277-7105A  survey study of  mentioned viharaja nidana (physical activities) in  Ayurveda w.s.r. diagnosed diabetic mellitus type 2 patients,
7.2019Dr. Krishan KumarInternational Journal of Bio-Pharma Research2287-6898Clinical Efficacy of Ashwattha Choorna Lepa in the Management of Mukhapaka
8.2022Dr. Neha SinghWorld Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2277-7105Ayurveda as an Aid to Menopausal Problems
9.2022Dr. Pooja Arya Journal of Ayurveda2582-7693Ayurvedic Management of insulin resistant related conditions in PCOS:A case Report
10.2023Dr. Anu SainiWorld Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2277-7105Role of Ayurveda in Palliative Care- A Review
11.2023Dr. Anu SainiWorld Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2277-7105Ayurveda Management of Palmoplantar PS Oriasis (Vipadika) - A Case Report
12.2023Dr. Anu SainiJournal of Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research2349-5162A General Review on Ahaara Pak and its importance in Physiology
13.2023Dr. Anu SainiJournal of Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research2349-5162A Review Article on Prakrikiti Parikshan and its im
14.2023Dr. Anu SainiWorld Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2277-7105Ayurveda Management of Dusta Varna- A Case Report 
15.2023Dr. HeenaInternational Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga2581-758XA Conceptual Study Role on Rasayana in Geriatic Health Care 
16.2023Dr. HeenaJournal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences2456-3110Nasya for Ovulation Induction: Unveiling a  Case Study
17.2023Dr. Swati MalikInternational Ayurvedic Medical Journal2320-5091Clinical Study to Evaluate the Yogvahi Effect of Rasasindoor with Aqueous Extract of Eclipta Alba in Management of Essential Hypertension 
18.2023Dr. Pooja Arya Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences2456-3110Rogmarga-A clinical and therapeutic indicator : a critical review
19.2024Dr. HeenaInternational Ayurvedic Medical Journal2320-5091

Effect of Nasya & Tarpana along with eye exercise in the Management of Digital Vision Syndrome/ 

Computer Vision Syndrome

20.2024Dr. Anjana V ManiWorld Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2277-7105Ayurvedic Management of Non Acute Cholelithiasis Associated with Uterine Fibroid- A Case Study
21.2024Dr. Neha SheokandWorld Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2277-7105Effect of Diet and Yoga on Obesity in Lifestyle Disorders - A Research Artcle
22.2024Dr. ManjuInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2348-1269, 2349-5138Effect of Shankha Prakshlana and Udvartana in the Management of Sthaulya with special reference Obesity: A ClinciL Study
23.2024Dr. ManjuInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2348-1269, 2349-5138Nidana Panchaka of Smriti Vibramsha with special reference to Dementia - A Critical Review